Engineering technicians rely on scientific, engineering, and mathematical concepts to resolve mechanical problems and maintain equipment. Engineering technicians focus more on customized applications than engineers and other scientists. They frequently collaborate with engineers and scientists conducting research and inventing new technology. Many engineering technicians are quality control experts, so it's their responsibility to inspect processes, projects, and efficiency tests. Those working at factories often specialize in development and production different types of
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Engineering technicians specializing in research and development install or build equipment, organize and execute experiments, gather data, perform calculations, and assist engineers developing prototypes or new equipment. Many engineering technicians create blueprints, usually by utilizing computer drafting technology.
There are numerous different types of engineering technicians. The following are specialties people interested in engineering technician careers can pursue:
Aerospace engineering and operations technicians repair and maintain technology designed to test airplanes and space shuttles. When a new airplane is invented, it must undergo years of troubleshooting prior to being used, because equipment failure while flying can lead to death or serious injuries. Technicians frequently rely on wind tunnels and other test equipment to determine what can cause equipment failure. One of the most common ways technicians test new equipment is by running computer simulations. Aerospace engineering technicians also use communications devices and computer technology to document and analyze data.
Civil engineering technicians assist civil engineers with preparing and supervising the building of water treatment plants, dams, bridges, roads, and other infrastructure projects. Some civil engineering technicians are responsible for determining costs, what supplies to purchase, conducting surveys, and preparing blueprints. Others could be responsible for monitoring equipment designed to measure traffic patterns.
Electrical and electronic engineering technicians assist with the development, troubleshooting, and production of electronic devices, including telecommunications equipment, medical monitoring machines, computers, and navigational technology. Many specialize in troubleshooting and quality control. These specialists utilize diagnostic equipment to test, fix, and adjust equipment.
Electro-mechanical engineering technicians mix their understanding of mechanical engineering and electronic circuits to develop, troubleshoot, test and produce electronic systems and equipment. They also run these devices in manufacturing facilities and office buildings. These specialists usually develop expertise in both mechanical and electrical engineering.
Environmental engineering technicians collaborate with environmental engineers to develop techniques and equipment intended to reduce, control, or remove toxins and other pollutants in the environment. They inspect and repair machines designed to reduce pollution and recycle renewable resources. Certain environmental engineering technicians examine water and sewage treatment facilities to make sure toxins or pollutions do not enter the environment and water supply.
Industrial engineering technicians conduct research to determine how to more effectively utilize raw materials, workers, and equipment in factories, office buildings, and repair shops. Under the supervision of industrial engineers, these specialists determine where to situate equipment and place workers to maximize efficiency. They also analyze statistics to develop techniques intended to enhance productivity and reduce costs.
Mechanical engineering technicians assist engineers with the development, troubleshooting, and production of consumer goods, industrial equipment, and other products. They may conduct tests to determine product safety. For example, engineering technicians working for an automobile manufacturer could be responsible for preparing crash safety tests. They could also be responsible for preparing blueprints, collecting and reviewing data, performing calculations, and reporting their conclusions. When preparing for production, these specialists prepare blueprints of the assembly line and determine where workers and equipment will be situated. Mechanical engineering technicians are also responsible for determining labor expenses, projecting how long equipment will last before needing to be replaced, and calculating available factory space. Some troubleshoot and examine equipment or collaborate with engineers to prevent manufacturing delays.